What to Do If Someone Uses Your Trademark Without Permission?

What to Do If Someone Uses Your Trademark Without Permission?

How to Protect Your Brand and Take Legal Action Against Trademark Infringement

The trademark functions as a valuable asset because it controls your brand identity together with reputation and reputation and goodwill. Unauthorized use of your trademark by a third party may cause consumer confusion, profit loss, and reputational damage. You have to initiate immediate actions to protect your trademarks along with preventing additional misuse when these situations occur. The blog delivers detailed information regarding trademark infringement prevention methods alongside available legal reconciliation measures while showing approaches to protect intellectual property from unauthorized usage.

Understanding Trademark Infringement and Violation

Running a trademark without proper authorization constitutes infringement when such unauthorized use creates confusion for the public about the original source of the goods or services. Infringement occurs when someone uses either an exact match or a hard-to-distinguish mark on goods or services which have similar offer and character. Trademark infringement diminishes your brand worthwhile leading consumers astray and causing monetary damage to your business.

Legal Steps to Stop Trademark Infringement in India

If you discover someone is misusing your trademark, follow these steps to enforce your trademark rights and protect your brand:

Gather Evidence

The owner should collect brings together facts of trademark abuse by recording advertisements, invoices, screenshots, and other documentation of the trademark misuse.

Verify Trademark Ownership
The registration of your trademark under the Trademark Act 1999 must be confirmed. A registered trademark allows you to exercise sole right to your mark while providing the authority to prevent illegitimate use from infringers.

Conduct an Investigation
Determine the business model of the offender alongside their operational scope and compute the extent of trademark infringement damage they have done. The research enables you to select the most suitable legal option.

Send a Cease and Desist Letter
A cease and desist letter enables you to inform the trademark infringer about your formal demand for trademark usage termination before starting legal proceedings. The letter should include:

    • A description of your trademark and its registration details

      • Details of the unauthorized use and how it violates your rights

      • A demand to stop the infringement immediately

      • A warning of legal consequences if they fail to comply

How to File a Trademark Infringement Case in India

If the infringer does not comply with the cease and desist letter, you may need to escalate the matter legally. Follow these steps:

  1. District Court:

    • As per Section 134 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999, a trademark infringement suit can be filed in a District Court where the plaintiff (trademark owner) resides, carries on business, or personally works for gain.
  2. High Court:

    • If the High Court has original jurisdiction (such as in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai), cases can be filed directly in the respective High Court.

    • Appeals from the District Court go to the High Court.

  3. Commercial Courts:

    • If the trademark dispute involves a commercial value of ₹3 lakh or more, it falls under the Commercial Courts Act, 2015, and may be heard by the Commercial Court or Commercial Division of the High Court.

Seek an Injunction
A court injunction prevents the infringer from using your trademark while the case is ongoing. ("interim injunction" is granted before the final decision, and a "permanent injunction" is granted after the case is decided). This protects your brand from further trademark misuse.

  1. Claim Damages
    If the infringement has caused financial losses, you can claim damages for trademark infringement. Courts may order the infringer to compensate you for losses suffered.

  2. Request Seizure of Infringing Goods
    Courts can order the seizure and destruction of counterfeit or unauthorized products bearing your trademark. (This applies mainly to counterfeit goods rather than all unauthorized uses of a trademark. Not all infringing goods are automatically seized and destroyed)

Trademark Violation Penalties and Legal Remedies

In India, trademark enforcement laws provide strict penalties for infringement:

  • Civil Remedies: Courts may grant injunctions, order compensation for damages, or direct the infringer to hand over profits gained from the misuse.

  • Criminal Remedies: Under Section 103 of the Trademarks Act, 1999, a person guilty of trademark counterfeiting can face imprisonment (6 months to 3 years) and fines (₹50,000 to ₹2 lakh).

  • Administrative Remedies: The Trademark Registry can cancel the infringer’s trademark registration if it was obtained fraudulently.

How to Protect Your Trademark from Unauthorized Use

Preventive measures are essential to safeguard your trademark from potential misuse. Consider the following strategies:

  1. Register Your Trademark
    A registered trademark gives you exclusive rights and stronger legal grounds for enforcement.

  2. Monitor Trademark Usage
    Regularly check online platforms, business directories, and trademark databases for unauthorized use of your brand name.

  3. Trademark Watch Services
    Use professional services that notify you if someone attempts to register a similar trademark.

  4. Use Proper Trademark Symbols
    Mark your brand name with (for unregistered trademarks) or ® (for registered trademarks) to inform others of your ownership rights.

  5. Take Prompt Legal Action
    Address any potential trademark dispute immediately to prevent long-term damage to your brand.

Can You Sue for Trademark Infringement in India?

You possess the power to file a lawsuit under The Trademarks Act, 1999 when someone uses your trademark without authorization. Taking legal action enforces your rights, stops unauthorized use, and allows you to seek compensation for damages. Judgment about legal action requires specific guidance which should be obtained from an intellectual property lawyer.

Steps to Take if Another Business Uses Your Brand Name

If another business is using your brand name without authorization:

  1. Collect evidence of their use.

  2. Verify your trademark registration.

  3. Contact the infringer and issue a cease and desist notice.

  4. File a complaint with the Trademark Registry if they attempt to register a similar mark.

  5. Initiate legal proceedings if necessary.

Trademark Enforcement Strategies for Brand Owners

To maintain control over your brand identity, implement effective trademark enforcement strategies:

  • Conduct regular audits to detect unauthorized use.

  • Use digital monitoring tools to track trademark mentions.

  • Educate employees and stakeholders about trademark rights.

  • Register trademarks in multiple jurisdictions if you plan to expand internationally.


Trademark infringement leads to deterioration of your brand reputation while simultaneously threatening its market share. A business owner needs to secure trademark enforcement through official legal actions that include sending cease and desist notices along with initiating lawsuits and requesting injunctions. Your brand remains protected through trademark registration, regular monitoring, and timely legal action.

Seek professional advice from an intellectual property lawyer when you suspect unauthorized use of your trademark because they will help protect your brand.